Even though getting back to God, nature, what ever is a prime goal-some of the most important events in the camp or retreat is the presentation or meeting. The speaker only has a short time to deliver his or her important message and one way to make this presentation as effective as possible is with visual aids.
Here is an excellent article about the power of visual aids in making an effective message:http://www.hp.com/large/ipg/assets/bus-solutions/power-of-visual-communication.pdf
There is a wide array of technology that can help make presentations more memorable and meaningful such as laptops or projectors. They are highly portable and in some cases carry their own power source. How do you do this if your particular group is on a budget and your event occurs only every once in a while? You could consider renting a laptop or projector. Here are some places that your group can do this for products such as: DVD projector rentals and forApple laptop rentals nationwide . These people are technology savvy, friendly, and helpful. They will assist you in assessing your needs and can help you make the important meetings and talks memorable.
So the next time you get away form it all, bring some technology with you. It will make your event be the memorable and action provoking.
Looking for a short term mobile technology rental to to make your next trip a success? Call 800-736-8772 today and ask about our Nextel Rentals, Two Way Radio Rentals, or even our Aircard Rentals!
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